Payroll » Certificated Payroll

Certificated Payroll

Basic Payroll Guide

Below is a basic guide for REGULAR PERMANENT Certificated employees. This section does not apply to on-call employees (such as substitutes.) 

Paydays are on the last working day of each month.

*If a payday would normally fall on a weekend or holiday, payday will be the working day prior.


Monthly Salary

Employees are paid a monthly salary for scheduled work time.

Salary Increases

Employees who receive satisfactory evaluations will receive an annual anniversary step increase every year until the highest step is reached. Please see the DUEA Bargaining unit contract to see the step schedule.


Employee who work beyond their regular assignment must fill out a time sheet.

Timesheets must be filled out either in pen or may be completed on the computer and printed. Timesheets must be signed by the employee and an administrator (see below). Go to the Payroll main page to get a time sheet document

Timesheets should be turned into your office manager or department secretary. The office manager or secretary will submit your timesheet to the administrator for approval and signature. The timesheet will then be turned into the payroll department.

Timesheets are normally turned into payroll on the 20th (1st – 20th of work) and end of the month (21st-31st of work). However your office manager/secretary may have earlier deadlines. Please check with your office manager/secretary.


Duarte Unified uses negative attendance, meaning that records are kept of your absences and a lack of records assumes you are present.

You will be required to call in to report your absences if you are absent. Your office manager/secretary will be tracking your attendance. Please check with them to see what other procedures are in place regarding attendance.

Absence reports

For every absence, or string of absences, you will be required to fill out an absence report. Absence reports can be obtained from your office manager/secretary. Federal. holidays, legal Holidays and School Breaks do not require an absence report.


Certificated employees have Sick leave time to use during the year. Leave is advanced at the beginning of the year, but is not earned until the year is completed. This means that if you leave the district before the school year is complete, the amount of time advanced to you at the beginning of the year will be reduced.

Sick time

Employees receive 73 hours of sick time (Certificated staff working longer than a school year will receive more).

Any sick time not used at the end of the school year will be carried over into the next year. Any sick time remaining at the time of retirement can be used to increase your service credit with CalSTRS and increase your retirement benefit.

If you leave and begin work in another school district or community college within a year, you may be able to transfer your sick time that you earned to that new employer. You will have to ask your new employer on how to do that.

Dock Time

If at any point you are absent and you have run out or do not use your sick, or any other paid leave, you will receive a dock in pay. Employees are responsible for maintaining a record of their own sick time.


Certificated employees are entitled to health and welfare benefits. Contact Cathie Ingold for information on enrolling into health and welfare benefits.