California School of the Arts-San Gabriel Valley » Components of the Partnership

Components of the Partnership

The partnership developed between DUSD and CSArts-SGV is the first of its kind between a charter and public school district with measures taken by the district to ensure the students of Duarte Unified and community of Duarte benefit from the venture. Unlike a typical charter agreement, CSArts-SGV and DUSD work closely together to create innovative opportunities for our students. There are several components to the partnership:

*The CSArts-SGV 9-12 grade high school program operates as a public charter at the campus located at 1401 Highland Avenue, Duarte, CA 91010. 

*Students in Grades 7-8 are served through a DUSD/CSArts Joint Program. These students attend a DUSD Academy for their academic instruction that is provided by certificated DUSD teachers and then are transported to the CSArts-SGV campus for Conservatory daily Monday-Friday. Unlike an after-school program, students admitted to the DUSD/CSArts Grade 7-8 joint program receive over 350 minutes of arts-based training per week embedded within their instructional day taught by industry professionals. Students in the Grade 7-8 program must have an interdistrict permit to participate unless they live within the attendance area of DUSD or have an Allen Bill exception.

CSArts-SGV instructors teach a Dance and Movement Program for all students in Grades TK-8 at all DUSD schools.

*CSArts-SGV provides free afterschool General Music Classes for DUSD students in Grades TK-5. 

*Academic calendars and grade reporting periods between DUSD and CSArts-SGV are aligned.

*There is ongoing articulation between the DUSD and CSArts-SGV administrators, teachers and staff.

*DUSD has oversight of the educational program and the budgetary activity of CSArts-SGV, but DUSD has no financial responsibility in its oversight responsibilities of CSArts-SGV's finances.

*DUSD maintains the rights of ownership to all of the property leased to CSArts-SGV and any improvements made on the property.

*DUSD receives an annual 3% Oversight Fee from CSArts-SGV based on the ADA of their 9-12 grade enrollment.

In addition, the partners agree to act in good faith to ensure that up to 10% of the new CSArts-SGV enrollment is comprised of Duarte Unified students at any given time and those students that attend K-8 schools in Duarte Unified, will have priority enrollment.